TOCTAX TOC analyser, 1-100mg/L, 1 channel


TOCTAX TOC analyser, 1-100mg/L, 1 channel
Produktnr: LPV375.00.00000


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Continuous TOC measurement according to DIN EN 1484

The process photometer defines the total organic carbon (TOC) in water and wastewater, including solids up to 0.5mm particle size. Carbon digestion is based on a new wet chemical patented process.
These photometer composed of digestion unit to digest all carbon compounds, process photometer including microprocessorcontrolled self monitoring and use of menu. An infrared detector then carries out the measurement.

  • Integrated digestion
  • High level of uptime
  • Precise measured values due to representative and homogenised sample
  • Proven self-cleaning system as standard
  • Low maintenance, simple and rapid