Amtax inter2


Amtax inter2
Produktnr: LPV397.99.01000


High accuracy, high precision

Fast measured values - every 5 or 10 minutes

For automated nitrogen elimination

EN ISO 11732 compliant

Small reagents and spare parts consumption


Antal kanaler: 1
Dimension (H x B x D): 1190 mm x 550 mm x 390 mm
Display : Graphics monitor with curve display
Garanti : 24 månader
Gränssnitt: Service Interface: RS 232, No Bus connection
Kalibreringsmetod : Automatic at selectable intervals
Kommunikationsmöjligheter: Ingen
Mätintervall: 5 or 10 minutes (choice on contin. sample supply)
Matningskrav (Hz): 50 Hz
Matningskrav (Spänning): 230 V AC
Mätområde: 0,1 - 20 mg/L NH4-N
Mätprincip: Indophenol blue method, derived from DIN 38406 E5
Noggrannhet: ± 2 % +0.02 of the measured value
Omgivningstemperatur: 5 - 40 °C
Provtagningsalternativ: 1 channel continuous
Reagensförsörjning: 12 month zero and standard solution
  3 - 6 month cleaning solution
  4 - 8 weeks Odczynnik
Reläer: 1 A 2 Relay contacts, 24 V, floating
Serviceintervall: 6 månader
Standard accessories: Auto-cleaning facility, data logger
Strömutgång: 0/4 to 20 mA max. 500 Ω; 2 current putputs
Underhållskrav: 1 h/week
Vikt : 42 kg (without reagents)